CSMS Message: 16-000623

Title:ACE PRODUCTION OUTAGE, Saturday, July 23, 2016 @ 2200 to 0400 ET Sunday, July 24
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Please be advised that there will be an ACE PRODUCTION outage Saturday evening, July 23, 2016 starting 2200 ET and ending Sunday, July 24, 2016 at 0400 ET.

Activation and Mandate in ACE for Quota Entry Types and Reject Notifications for ACS submissions
Filing of electronic entries and entry summaries associated with entry types 06 and 23 were previously mandated in ACE if they did not include quota merchandise. Filing of these transactions WITH quota merchandise will also be mandated on July 23, 2016.

Beginning July 23, 2016 trade parties will be required to submit electronic entries and entry summaries for additional entry types to the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE). Electronic entries and entry summaries associated with the following entry types will be mandated in ACE: 02, 07, 12, 21, 22, 31, 32, 34, and 38. The ability to file these entry types in ACE means that quota functionality will be activated in ACE.

To be deployed:

Implement enhancements to the CBP Quota and USDA licenses Quota applications:

a) Fixes to the Entry Summary Quota validation service that allows validation of Entry Summaries against quota master data.
b) Significant updates to CBP / USDA Quota Allocation and Decrement processing.

eCert (ability to electronically transmit data from Visa/Certificate into ACE)
• CCM-2462: Deployment of Message Processing Component, eCERT Validation Service & User Interface (UI)

Cargo Release
• Turn on additional entry types in production (02, 07, 12, 21, 22)

PGA & Entry Summary
• PGAD-11519 Implementation of PGA Corrections (Phase 1)
• PGAD-11513 Miscellaneous Bug fixes:
-- NMFS 370 rule repairs
-- Lacey ES edits (Type 31, 32, 34, 38)

• CES-2475: No Longer Recognize FD, DT Records in an AE.
The AE input records for FDA (FD01-05) and DOT/NHTSA (DT01-03) information are to be retired and no longer to be recognized in an AE filing. The purpose of this change to REJECT an AE batch if any of these existing record types are encountered. Condition A02 (UNKNOWN RECORD ID FOUND IN GROUPING) shall be generated whenever records ID's FD01, FD02, FD03, FD04, FD05, DT01, DT02, or DT03 encountered. The Batch shall be rejected.

• CES-2476: Disable Request for ACS Cargo Release.
A request to 'Certify for ACS Cargo Release' will no longer be accepted in an AE filing. When 'Y' is encountered in the Cargo Release Certification Indicator, fatal condition 'CARGO RELEASE CERT IND UNKNOWN' shall be generated.

• CES-3774: Validate against eCert whether a Visa is required for products from Haiti.
aka OTEXA Haiti Earned Import Allowance Program: Validate against eCert whether a Visa is required for products from Haiti. Based on the HTS #, Textile Category Code, and country of Haiti, is the filer required to submit a visa # in the 51-record?

• CES-3775: Validate that the LPC Number provided exists in the OTEXA Reference table when the LPC Type Code = 13 or 25.
For LPC Types 13 and 25, the LPC number should be used on only one entry summary. If the LPC type code = 13 or 25 and the LPC number was used on a different summary return the error 695- LIC/CERT/PERM NUMBER PREVIOUSLY USED.

• CES-3890: Validate that the Visa Number submitted on an entry summary is in eCert when required for products from Haiti.
Validate that the Visa Number submitted on an entry summary is in eCert when required for products from Haiti. When the filer submits the visa # is it a real, valid visa #? Need to check eCert to see if the visa # exists in the eCert table.

• CES-3988: Do not allow Filer to Certify for Cargo Release if the 'PGA Data Included Indicator' is 'F' (FTZ Weekly).
Change name 'PGA Expedited Release Restriction' to 'PGA Data Included Cargo Release Certification Restriction.' Change logic to check for both 'Y' and 'F' values.

• CES-4131: Allow Post-Summary Correction (PSC) to change entry type 34 to 32 and entry type 38 to 31.
Allow the submission of a PSC to change an AD/CVD entry type to a non-AD/CVD entry type: Type 34 to type 31, type 34 to type 32, type 38 to type 31 and type 38 to type 32.

• CES-4139: *BUG* Did not receive the expected result in the AX for Final Warehouse Withdrawal.
Error code F296 (Final wrhse withdrawal Ind must be Y) is caused by: If the entry type code is '22', '31', '32', '34', or '38' and the 30 record pos 21 is other than blank/space or 'Y' this error will result.

• CES-4146: *BUG* Receiving unexpected error code for the 30 Record for Warehouse.
A "G" is in the 30 Record position 21 on a 22 entry type code, expecting to get an error code F296 (Final Wrhse Withdrawal Ind Must Be Y), but instead getting error code F297 (Import Date Not Allowed On Re-Warehouse). This has been corrected.

• CES-4227: *Bug* Missing duplicate check on Rec32 (release entry number + release entry filer code).
If the (release entry number + release entry filer code) are duplicated on the 32-record return the 238-RLSE ENTRY DUPLICATE ENCOUNTERED error.

• CES-4769, 4789: Allow multiple 52 records per entry summary line.
An entry summary can have multiple 52-records. Currently the AE only allows one. Need to allow up to 3. When and LPC code is required for an HTS # on the line, at least one of the 52-record LPC Codes must be the required permit code.

• CES-4796: No Longer Recognize FC Records in an AE.
The AE input records for FCC (FC01, FC02) information are to be retired and no longer to be recognized in an AE filing. REJECT an AE batch if any of these existing record types are encountered. Condition A02 (UNKNOWN RECORD ID FOUND IN GROUPING) shall be generated whenever records ID's FC01 or FC02 are encountered.

• CES-4798: No Longer Perform FCC Validations.
The AE input records for FCC (FC01, FC02) information are to be retired and no longer to be recognized in an AE filing. However, in current ACE, there are validations that determine whether FC data is 'missing' from an AE filing. No longer perform the 'missing' FC data validations, and specific data FC data validations. No longer generate any condition found in 'L-ACE BR_-Validate FCC Form 740' - particularly 'FCC 740 MAY BE REQUIRED' and 'FCC 740 REQUIRED'.

• CES-4845: Quota Summaries have to be certified for cargo release.
Entry Types 02, 07, and 12 have to be certified for cargo release: 10-record, Cargo Release Certification Request Indicator = A. If it is not certified for cargo release, the summary should be rejected with a fatal condition. This only applies when the summary is in trade control. It does not apply to a PSC or a resubmission after a CBP user reject (CBP Control, Reject Status)

• CES-4964: *BUG* AX should return error X40-NON-STANDARD DATA FOUND when anything other than UPPER and lower case alpha characters, numerals 0-9 and the following are encountered: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ = + [ {] } | ; : ‘ “ , < . > / ? ` ~

• CES-5076: Activate all entry types except 08, 09 and 47.
Currently in Prod entry types 01, 03, 06, 11, 23, 51 and 52 are accepted. In the 23rd deployment we’re adding, or allowing, entry types 02, 07, 12, 21, 22, 31, 32, 34 and 38 to process in ACE.

• CES-5112: Change text of '548 (Informational) CASE NOT APPLICABLE FOR TARIFF(S)' condition

• CES-5240: Do not allow multiple LPCs on a line.
Multiple LPCs (52-record) are impacting the Quota UI. Since AMS wants to remove the fee waivers, do not multiple LPCs on a line. If multiple 52-records are encountered on a line return error A17-LOOP EXCEEDED-LIC/CERTIF/PERMIT DETAILS.

• CES-5330: Fix eCert and OTEXA ASF codes (new ASF reason code: E44-eCert Service Not Available Contact: Agile Team Prestige World Wide, Agile Team Phoenix)
ACE currently returns E01 as the ASF reason code for eCert and OTEXA. The code has been changed to return the correct reason code, E44-ECERT SERVICE NOT AVAILABLE.

• CES-5331: Do not allow Cargo Release Certification Indicator for PSCs and CBP Control/Reject Status resubmissions.
When a summary is submitted after a CBP Control, Reject Status, the cargo release certification is not allowed for any entry type. When a summary is submitted as a PSC, the Cargo Release Certification is not allowed for any entry type.

• CES-5347: AD CVD total amount validations are not correct for new entry types.
The values in the 88-record are supposed to match the sum of values in the 53-records, pos 47-56 (AD/CVD Duty Amount). The amounts are compared against the four different fields on the 88-record based on the Type of Case (53-record, position 3) and whether it is a Bond or Cash Claim (53-record, position 13). These validations work for the current, valid entry types and needs to be extended to the additional entry types that are going live in ACE on July 23rd.

• CES-5368: Modify ESPV Consolidating Summary Cargo Release Restriction (14.1.3 rule).
Cargo Release Certification Indicator of Y (for ACS Cargo Release) will no longer be accepted in an AE filing for a Consolidated summary. When 'Y' is encountered in the Cargo Release Certification Indicator on a Consolidated summary, generate fatal error ‘CARGO RLSE CERT NOT ALLWD - CONSOLIDATED'.

• CES-5470: Entry Summary Validation (ESV) incorrectly producing error "LIC/CERT/PERM NUMBER PREVIOUSLY USED" when the prior version of the same entry summary's LPC# is replaced with the same LPC# on the replacement entry summary.

• CES-5499: ESV: Incorrect conversion when check against OTEXA approved quantity.
ESV is incorrectly calculating quantity for textile category for LPC type 13 or 25. This calculated quantity is checked again OTEXA approved quantity.
Quantity is represented in 2 digit assume decimal point. ESV is currently treating this quantity as full number.

• CES-5535: Allow all entry types except for 08, 09, 47 for PROD.
Currently in Prod entry types 01, 03, 06, 11, 23, 51 and 52 are accepted. In the 23rd deployment we’re adding, or allowing, entry types 02, 07, 12, 21, 22, 31, 32, 34 and 38 to process in ACE.

• CES-5139: Remove code for CES-3007 from production
CES-3007 was deployed to prod before its time. It needs to be removed. The story is putting duty free summaries into CBP control immediately. At this point, CBP control should only be triggered by ACS. CES-3007 can be removed permanently. There is a batch job that will put summaries into CBP control instead of doing it right away.

O&M (Production Support)
• Activate Quota processing and Inactivate "ES VA Action Type" EI.

Referenced By

CSMS #16-000624