Title: | Update to Deployment for ACE Entry Summary Filing |
Date: | 2009-06-05 |
To: | abi,acep |
Links: | previous, next |
To date, the ACE Entry Summary filing capability has been deployed to the following ports:
- Buffalo, New York;
- Chicago, Illinois;
- Los Angeles, California;
- Laredo, Texas;
- Houston, Texas;
- San Francisco, California;
- El Paso, Texas;
- Boston, Massachusetts;
- Newark, New Jersey;
- J.F.K. Airport, New York;
- Baltimore, Maryland;
- Detroit, Michigan;
- Atlanta, Georgia;
- Miami, Florida;
- New Orleans, Louisiana;
- Seattle, Washington;
- San Diego, California;
- Tampa, Florida; and
- Tucson, Arizona.
The remaining ports throughout the country are scheduled to be deployed on June 18, 2009.
If you are currently an Early Adopter Entry Filer and wish to expand to additional ports, please contact your Client Representative.
This is also a reminder that ALL entry filers may begin transmitting ACE entry summaries beginning on June 29, 2009. Please contact your Client Representative for additional information.
CSMS #09-000248