CSMS Message: 18-000531

Title:Information about NMFS SIM program updates
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On March 23, 2018, the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2018 (Pub. L. 115-141) was signed by the President and became law. Section 539 of Division B of the Act directed the Secretary of Commerce to, within 30 days, lift the stay on the effective date of the final rule for the Seafood Traceability Program published by the Secretary on December 9, 2016, (81 FR 88975) for the species described in 50 CFR 300.324(a)(3), provided that the compliance date for the species described in 50 CFR 300.324(a)(3) shall occur not later than December 31, 2018. This rule implements the Act and provides that shrimp and abalone will be subject to the requirements of the Seafood Traceability Program under 50 CFR 300.324(a)(3) effective May 24, 2018 with a compliance date December 31, 2018.

Shrimp and abalone are therefore being added to the NMFS Seafood Import Monitoring Program (SIM) as announced earlier this spring.

Starting October 9, 2018 and going through December 31, 2018, 2018 NMFS SIM filings for shrimp and abalone imports will be voluntary. Entries received with those HTS codes will receive a ‘warning’, but can still be accepted. After December 31 2018, SIM entry filings without the data will be rejected.

The Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) codes applicable to this mandate to file NMFS SIM program data will be updated with an NM8 flag for SIM. The list of 3 alpha codes will also be updated. These updates will begin October 9 and be completed by October 12 in CERT and PROD.

The list of HTS codes that will be flagged for shrimp and abalone and other SIM requirements can be found at the following web sites:
•Federal Register Notice: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2018/04/24/2018-08553/magnuson-stevens-fishery-conservation-and-management-act-lifting-the-stay-on-inclusion-of-shrimp-and
•NMFS SIMP Web site: https://www.iuufishing.noaa.gov/RecommendationsandActions/RECOMMENDATION1415/FinalRuleTraceability.aspx
•List of HTS and 3 Alpha codes for all SIMP products include Shrimp and Abalone in downloadable Excel: https://www.iuufishing.noaa.gov/Portals/33/SIMP%20species%20list_including%20shrimp%20and%20abalone%20asof5-2018.xls?ver=2018-05-16-174506-613

Requests for technical assistance can be directed to Dale Jones, Dale.Jones@noaa.gov and SIMPsupport@noaa.gov, or to the SIMP Support Line: 833-440-6599 (toll free)

Other questions or feedback regarding SIMP implementation can be directed to Celeste Leroux, Celeste.Leroux@noaa.gov

NOTE: Trade should not expect any additional CSMS reminders on this topic.

Referenced By

CSMS #19-000139, 19-000085, 18-000744, 18-000583